Nursery Rhymes

Middle Ages Food

Middle Ages - Lords and Ladies

Middle Ages Food
Middle Ages Food changed considerably during the Middle Ages. Up to the start of the Middle Ages when William the Conqueror and the Normans invaded England the only real influence on the types of food consumed had been from the Romans. The violent times of the Dark Ages led to a primitive society lacking in elegance or refinement. Early Middle Ages Food was basic and the ingredients were home grown.

This all changed in 1066 with the Norman Conquest and between 1095 - 1270 when Europeans looked to the Eastern World and joined in the crusades.

Middle Ages Daily Meals
Middle Ages Food Preservation
Middle Ages Food and Diet
Foods of the Middle Ages
Cooking Food in the Middle Ages

Middle Ages Drink
The people of the Middle Ages enjoyed to drink, and as water was often unclean, it was a necessity. The poor drank ale, mead or cider and the rich were able to drink many different types of wines

Middle Ages Drink

Middle Ages Food - Recipe Books
The French produced the first Recipe books. In 1306 ‘The Little Treatise’ was written. The first English cookery book  was written in 1390 called 'The Forme of Cury' which consisted of nearly 200 recipes 196 recipes contributed by the Royal cooks. Facts and information about the different types of foods eaten during the Middle Ages Medieval period including the meat, fruit, fish and bread.

Middle Ages Food Recipes
Middle Ages Food - Fruit
Middle Ages Food -Vegetables
Middle Ages Food - Bread
Middle Ages Food - Meat
Middle Ages Food - Fish
Middle Ages Food - Game

The Influence of the Normans on Middle Ages Food
The Normans were influenced by French food and also Scandinavian food. The Normans were known to document recipes although generally they passed form the master cook to the apprentice. The tastes of the Norman nobility were far more sophisticated than the English. The Normans also enjoyed feasts and special occasions when lavish meals and food could be served.

Middle Ages Food for a King

The Influence of the Crusades on Middle Ages Food
The influence of the Crusades had a startling effect on Middle Ages Food. Kings, Knights, Lords and other crusaders had travelled 3000 miles to reach the Holy Lands. And during their travels they were introduced to the spices which were added to different foods by different cultures. These new ideas about Middle Ages food were brought back by the Crusaders and new foods and spices were introduced to the European menu.

Spices in the Middle Ages

Aculture change influences Middle Ages Food
The elegance of the Far East, with its silks, tapestries, precious stones, perfumes, spices, pearls, and ivory, was so enchanting that an enthusiastic crusader called it "the vestibule of Paradise". A  change in culture started to emerge. Travel certainly broadened the mind of the Crusaders  who developed a new and unprecedented interest in beautiful objects and elegant manners. It must be remembered that the preparation of Middle Ages Food was of special interest to the women of the era, many of whom accompanied men on the Crusades. The preparation and content of Middle Ages food underwent a 'sea change - into something rich and strange'.

Achange in the economy influenced Middle Ages Food
The economy of the Middle Ages changed. Various goods were exported from the Far East including spices. It became a status symbol to serve food with herbs and spices. As they were exported, these spices were expensive. The differences of The Middle Ages Food consumed by the Upper and Lower Classes changed significantly. The poor could not afford the new range of spices. Middle Ages Food varied according to status and according to the Middle Ages period. And in the early Middle Ages era even meat was a sign of wealth. 

Middle Ages Food and the Black Death
The amount of food available in the Middle Ages world changed in 1328. The Black Death spread across Europe with devastating effect. The population of the Middle Ages  dropped - the Black Death claimed a third of the World's population and 200 million people died. The Black Death reached England by 1346 and ravaged the land for nearly 60 years. The Black Death resulted in a far smaller population, more food was available and even the poor were able to eat meat.

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